Mobile App

How many devices can I pair the app with?

For security reasons, only one device can be paired with your account at any given time. Furthermore, only one User per device can be paired with your Medirect Mobile app at any given time. 

Will my app session time out?

For security reasons, the app is set to be timed out after 30 seconds of inactivity. This can be increased to 1 minute from the settings section of your app. 

What shall I do if I change or lose my mobile device?

For security reasons, you should always unpair your device by using the unpair functionality in the MeDirect Mobile App before changing your device. If you are unable to do so, you can log in to our Online Banking Platform and unpair Mobile Banking from there.  You can then proceed to re-pair your device with your MeDirect account. 

What shall I do if my mobile is stolen?

If your mobile is stolen or lost, unpair the mobile application as soon as possible. To unpair your app, you need to: Login to our online banking platform.   Click on the “Profile” section on the top right-hand side of the screen   Click on “Mobile Banking”  Unpair Mobile Application. Alternatively, you can call us on 02/518 00 00. 

What does the ‘Unpair device’ option mean?

‘Unpair device’ is used to deactivate the user’s profile from their app. The user would also have to unpair their device from their client profile. Once this is done, the user will not be able to see their information anymore on their app. 

What shall I do if I forget my passcode or if I lock my MeDirect Mobile App?

To reset your Passcode, the device will need to be unpaired. To unpair your Mobile device, you need to: Login to our online banking platform.   Click on the “Profile” section on the top right-hand side of the screen   Click on “Mobile Banking”  Unpair Mobile Application  Uninstall and re-install the MeDirect Mobile App  Re-pair the MeDirect Mobile App to your account   

What does the ‘pair device’ option mean and ow can I pair my MeDirect Mobile App to my MeDirect Internet Banking?

By pairing your device, you link up your MeDirect Internet Banking, which you usually access via your PC or laptop,  with the  MeDirect Mobile App on your device, is used to activate the user’s profile from their app. To pair your MeDirect Mobile App to your MeDirect Internet Banking, you need to:  Login to our online banking platform.   Click on the “Profile” section on the top right-hand side of the screen   Click on “Devices”  Scan the QR Code using the MeDirect Mobile App. Alternatively, you can enter the activation code to pair your account. Create a passcode, and confirm the passcode